Good Priorities. Bad Acronym.

Your startup needs to do EVERYTHING:  Raise money, build a team, develop a product/service, sell to customers, build the admin infrastructure to support it all… It’s hard to prioritize.  It’s even hard to make a semi-complete “to do list”. That’s why I created this horrible acronym: ASAP EFF PP The letters make more sense in…

Era of Maximum Compliance

My dad did tax returns by hand. No computers, no electronic calculators.  Carbon paper was the big time-saving tech innovation at CPA firms of the early 1960’s. Then computers came along. Tax preparation became much…  Harder. Yes, auto-calculation made the basic math easier.  But the era of basic math was over. Complexity exploded. Soon, it…

Fire Drills

Deep Water Management Limited formally launched its Hong Kong business in April 2016. The plan was to help hedge funds & small finance firms compete with the big players: Innovation, new products, process improvement, reg compliance, internal controls… But Mike Tyson warned me, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” My…